我院从1974年开始采用对流电泳的方法对献血员进行乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)的检测,五年的平均阳性率为1.4%,而1975年则高达4.15%。1982年又增加了间接血凝法,1983年我们又将1982年体检HBsAg阴性的811名献血员进行体检时发现HBsAg阳性者为18名,占被检人数的2.21%,结果见表: 谷——丙转氨酶升高而HBsAg阴性者可能是甲型肝炎或者是非甲非乙型肝炎病毒所致。其中HBsAg阳性伴有谷——丙转氨酶(GPT)升高者只有三人,占HBsAg阳性者的16.66%。通过上述结果说明:对献血员一年做一次体检,有个别新感染者就会漏掉,造成输血后的肝
Our hospital began to use the method of convective electrophoresis on blood donors in 1974 for the detection of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), the average positive rate of five years was 1.4%, while in 1975 it was as high as 4.15%. In 1982, an indirect hemagglutination test was added. In 1983, we again tested 811 HBsAg-negative blood donors in 1982 and found that 18 were HBsAg positive, accounting for 2.21% of the seized persons. The results are shown in the table below: - elevated alanine aminotransferases and HBsAg negative may be due to hepatitis A or non-A non-hepatitis B virus. There were only three HBsAg positive patients with elevated GPT, accounting for 16.66% of those with HBsAg positive. Through the above results show that: blood donors do a physical examination a year, some new infections will be missed, resulting in blood transfusion after the liver