Interference-Aware Multipath Routing Protocol for QoS Improvement in Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Ne

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxfylhd
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The existing multipath routing protocols for wireless sensor networks demonstrate the efficacy of traffic distribution over multiple paths to fulfill the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of different applications.However,the performance of these protocols is highly affected by the characteristics of the wireless channel and may be even inferior to the performance of single-path approaches.Specifically,when multiple adjacent paths are being used concurrently,the broadcast nature of wireless channels results in inter-path interference which significantly degrades end-to-end throughput.In this paper,we propose a Low-Interference Energy-efficient Multipath Routing protocol (LIEMRO) to improve the QoS requirements of event-driven applications.In addition,in order to optimize resource utilization over the established paths,LIEMRO employs a quality-based load balancing algorithm to regulate the amount of traffic injected into the paths.The performance gain of LIEMRO compared to the ETX-based single-path routing protocol is 85%,80%,and 25% in terms of data delivery ratio,end-to-end throughput,and network lifetime,respectively.Furthermore,the end-to-end latency is improved more than 60%. The existing multipath routing protocols for wireless sensor networks demonstrate the efficacy of traffic distribution over multiple paths to fulfill the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of different applications. However, the performance of these protocols is highly affected by the characteristics of the wireless channel and may be even inferior to the performance of single-path approaches. Specifically, when multiple adjacent paths are being used concurrently, the broadcast nature of wireless channels results in inter-path interference which significantly degrades end-to-end throughput. In this paper, we propose a Low-Interference Energy-efficient Multipath Routing protocol (LIEMRO) to improve the QoS requirements of event-driven applications. In addition, in order to optimize resource utilization over the established paths, LIEMRO employs a quality-based load balancing algorithm to regulate the amount of traffic injected into the paths.The performance gain of LIEMRO compared to the ETX-b ased single-path routing protocol is 85%, 80%, and 25% in terms of data delivery ratio, end-to-end throughput, and network lifetime, respectively.Furthermore, the end-to-end latency is improved more than 60 %.
【摘要】一方面来说,当今计算机网络的飞快的发展,社会对于计算机网络方面的人才需求逐渐膨胀;另一方面来说,我国毕业生的数量在稳步的上升,就业形势越来越严峻,针对这两个问题,本文以计算机网络相关专业为例子,由具体的培养模式设计以及有关的实施措施两个方面,对这个专业的高端人才在培养模式的方面进行了一定的探讨与研究。  【关键词】计算机网络 高端人才 培养模式  【中图分类号】G64 【文献标识码】A 【
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【摘要】在形势下分析了目前在独立学院大学生中开展廉政教育的意义。通过对宁夏大学新华学院大学生廉政教育现状的调查分析,进一步研究独立学院大学生廉政教育存在的问题,探讨加强独立学院大学生廉政教育的对策。  【关键词】独立学院 大学生廉洁教育 对策  【基金项目】宁夏教育系统党的建设研究会课题项目资助。  【中图分类号】G64【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)02-0013-0
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