我国现行的司法鉴定制度没有一套系统的法律、法规来规范 ,与现代诉讼所追求“公正与效率”的价值相冲突 ,严重滞后于我国法制建设的整体水平。对现行司法鉴定制度进行改革和完善 ,成为当前诉讼领域法治化建设的一项重要而紧迫的任务。我国目前尚无统一的司法鉴定立法 ,该难题
The current judicial appraisal system in our country lacks a set of systematic laws and regulations to regulate and conflicts with the value of “fairness and efficiency” pursued by modern lawsuits and lags far behind the overall level of legal construction in our country. Reforming and perfecting the current judicial appraisal system has become an important and urgent task for the legalization of litigation in the current litigation field. At present, there is no unified forensic legislation in our country