高等教育自学考试是我国独 创的个人自学、社会助学和国家考试相结合的新型的高等教育形式。它以其开放、灵活、经济、实用等独特优势为国家造就和选拔人才开辟了一条广阔的行之有效的道路。推动了在职专业教育和大学后继续教育的持续发展。 长庆石油勘探局自1984年开始组织油田职工参加高(中)等教
Self-study examination of higher education is a new form of higher education that is composed of self-study, social education and national examination that are unique to our country. With its unique advantages of openness, flexibility, economy and practicality, it has opened up a vast and effective path for the country to create and select talents. Promote on-the-job professional education and post-graduate continuing education. Since 1984, Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau has organized oilfield workers to participate in high (middle) and other education