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在伍慧明的作品《骨》中,美籍华人对祖国饮食态度的变化,经历了三个过程。第一代华裔对中国饮食为绝对推崇;第二代华裔的态度变成忠实的眷恋;第三代华裔则转为矛盾的接受。思乡情结、落叶归根是第一代华裔对中国饮食绝对推崇的思想原因;推崇祖国饮食,遵循中国人的饮食习惯和礼节导致第二代华裔忠实眷恋中国饮食;时代的不同、文化的变异以及对唐人街鲑鱼巷的厌弃,形成第三代华裔对中国饮食矛盾接受的主要原因。本文试图分析作者对华裔文化身份认同的解决方案:求同存异、和谐融合。 In Wu Huiming’s “Bone,” the Chinese-American changes in their diet toward the motherland have gone through three stages. The first generation of Chinese is absolutely respected Chinese food; the second generation of Chinese descent into a loving attachment; the third generation of Chinese is turned into contradictory acceptance. Homesickness complex, deciduous roots is the first generation of Chinese absolutely respected Chinese diet ideological reasons; to promote the motherland’s diet, follow the Chinese diet and etiquette led to the second generation of Chinese loyal to the Chinese diet; different times, cultural variation and Chinatown The objection of salmon alley formed the third generation of Chinese to accept the main reason for the contradiction between diet in China. This article attempts to analyze the author’s solution to the cultural identity of ethnic Chinese: seeking common ground while reserving differences and harmonious integration.