本研究旨在确定前臂外侧皮神经 (thelateralan tebranchialcutaneousnerve ,LACN)的神经传导正常值及LACN波形参数与不同的人口统计、人体测量特征的关系。方法 选择 2 13例患者 ,排除年龄 18岁、中毒或代谢性疾病、神经受压、神经肌肉疾病、外周神经损伤、遗传或先天性神经
The purpose of this study was to determine the normal values of the nerve conduction and the relationship between LACN waveform parameters and different demographic and anthropometric features of the LADN (the lateral cranial nerve). METHODS: Twenty-three patients, aged 18 years, with toxic or metabolic disease, nerve compression, neuromuscular disease, peripheral nerve injury, hereditary or idiopathic nerves,