单季稻超稀植栽培插种密度比常规减少一半,具有明显增产效应,试种增产10%以上。为推广和应用该项技术,特设超稀植与常规对比试验,从实践和理论探索分析增产效应。1材料和方法 试验于1996年在安吉县农科所进行,籼型杂交稻为“协优63”和“协优46”;常规粳稻品
The density of single-cropping rice in ultra-thin planting was reduced by half compared with the conventional one, with obvious yield increasing effect, and the yield of trial planting increased by more than 10%. In order to popularize and apply the technology, special ultra-thin planting and routine comparison experiments, to explore the yield-increasing effect from practice and theory. 1 Materials and Methods Experiments were conducted in Anji County Agricultural Science Institute in 1996, indica hybrid rice “Xieyou 63” and “Xieyou 46”; conventional japonica rice