(一) 低产畈田是指河谷和水网平原地区连片分布的低产田,全省共有200多万亩。各个低产畈的面积从千余亩到上万亩不等,畈内村落少,水利差,耕作粗放,全年亩产粮食都在400斤以下。在水利方面,河谷低产畈以圳水、库水灌溉为主,水源尚充裕,但因畈大而沟渠少,渠系零乱,在秋旱期间仍易受旱;部分水源不足的河谷低产畈,受旱较为严重。水网平原的垟心田,由于垟大,渠系不配套,排灌不灵,夏秋期间,既有涝灾,又有旱灾。圩蚪地区的河浜虽多,但排洪不畅,地下水位过高,常有严重涝害;长兴县(?)田地区还易发生倒(?)事故。
(I) Low-yielding 畈 Tian refers to the contiguous distribution of low-yield fields in the valley and water network plain areas, with a total area of more than 2 million mu. The area of each low-yield 畈 ranging from more than a thousand acres to 10,000 hectares, 畈 within the village less water worse, extensive farming, the annual mu yield of food in less than 400 pounds. In terms of water conservancy, low-yielding river valleys are dominated by Shenzhen water and irrigated reservoirs, while water resources are still abundant. However, due to the large ditches and few ditches, the ditches are messy and are still vulnerable to drought during the autumn droughts. Some low-yield valleys, Severe drought. Due to the large pond, the canal system is not complete, irrigation and drainage are ineffective, during summer and autumn, there are both floods and droughts. Although there are many river bows in the fairlead area, flood discharge is poor and groundwater level is too high, which often leads to serious waterlogging. In the Changxing (?) Tian area, an accident is likely to occur.