1 风湿热 1.1 皮下结节(风湿结节) 是风湿活动的一种特征性皮肤损害。Bywaters和Thomas报告为34%,其发生率约为10%~30%,尤多见于重症风湿热患者。皮下结节常见于腕、肘、膝和踝关节附近。一般其直径约为2~5mm,大者直径可达1~2cm。数目不一,几个或十几个,圆形小结节,隆起,质地硬,无痛,不与皮肤粘连,分布对称。约经2~4周逐渐消退,或时隐时现。 1.2 环状红斑 也是风湿病的特征性皮肤损害之一,在风湿热患者中发生率约为10%~20%,尤较多见于儿童。初为小的红斑,旋即呈离心性扩大,边缘稍隆起,中心退色,扩大、融合,可呈多环状或地图状,缺乏自觉症状,多见躯干和四肢屈侧。持续数小时或2、3日而消退,可反复出现。其发生时间不一,或发生在关节症状数日后,或与关节症状同时出现,亦可于关节症状消退后出现。
1 Rheumatic fever 1.1 Subcutaneous nodules (rheumatoid nodules) is a characteristic rheumatic skin lesions. Bywaters and Thomas reported 34%, the incidence of about 10% to 30%, especially in patients with severe rheumatic fever. Subcutaneous nodules are common in the wrist, elbow, knee and ankle joints. The general diameter of about 2 ~ 5mm, the largest diameter of up to 1 ~ 2cm. The number of different, a few or a dozen, round nodules, uplift, texture hard, painless, not with the skin adhesion, the distribution of symmetry. After about 2 to 4 weeks gradually subsided, or when the hidden reality. 1.2 erythema ring is also one of the characteristic skin lesions of rheumatism, the incidence of rheumatic fever in patients with about 10% to 20%, especially more common in children. The beginning of a small erythema, was immediately extended to the centrifugal, the edge of a slight bulge, the center fade, enlargement, integration, may be polycyclic or map-like, the lack of symptoms, more common torso and limb flexion. Continued for hours or 2-3 days and dissipated, can be repeated. It occurs at different times, or after a few days in the joint symptoms, or with joint symptoms appear, can also appear after the symptoms of subsided.