根瘤菌与豆科植物的共生固氮作用,不是任一根瘤菌株与豆科植物都能产生的。它们之间存在着亲合性好坏、专一性强弱的问题。因此,根瘤菌固氮效果如何,取决于根瘤菌株的选择及其与当地品种的亲合性,与土著根瘤菌的竞争性,与自然条件的适应性。黑龙江垦区土壤类型复杂,生态条件差异大,大豆品种繁多,栽培条件各异,而目前省内仅推广一个61A76菌种,很难适应品种——土类——菌株的配套要求。所以,1985~1988年我所农业微生物研究室对国内外十几个优良大豆根瘤菌株进引了筛选,通过水培、沙培、盆栽、小区试验及配套技术的研究,认为 E45是较好的菌株。E45是从阿根廷引入的。该菌株属亲合性好、专一性强、回收率高的菌株。在岗地白浆土、草甸
Rhizobium and legume symbiotic nitrogen fixation, not any of the Rhizobium strains and legumes can produce. There is a problem of their affinity, specificity and strength between them. Therefore, rhizobia nitrogen fixation effect depends on the selection of rhizobia strains and their affinity with the local varieties, with indigenous rhizobia competitive, adaptability and natural conditions. Heilongjiang reclamation area is characterized by complex soil types, big differences in ecological conditions, wide variety of soybean and different cultivation conditions. At present, only 61A76 strain is promoted in the province, which is hard to adapt to the matching requirements of variety-soil-strain. Therefore, from 1985 to 1988, our institute of agricultural microbiology cites a dozen of excellent soybean rhizobia strains both at home and abroad. According to the research of hydroponics, sand culture, pot culture, plot test and supporting technology, E45 is considered as good Strain. E45 was introduced from Argentina. The strain is a good affinity, specificity, high recovery strains. In the post white soil, meadow