土壤微生物和土壤肥力之间有着一定的关系,这点大家意见是一致的。但是,阐明这个问题时,目前还是停留在一般概念上。虽然,利用微生物作为土壤肥力指标的工作已作过许多尝试,但是,究竟那些是代表土壤肥力的最敏感的指示者,仍然没有成熟的资料。 我们在土壤学报(9卷1—2期)读了郝文英等同志的文章——“水稻土微生物区系及其与土壤肥力的关系”一文,他们发现一些真菌是水稻土的特殊种类,其中Tuberculina属还可作为肥力高低的指示者,这些结果引起我们极大的兴趣,我院曾去函索取Tuberculina菌种,企图通过进一步验证,将这一有意义的成果用到实际中去,可是,结果使我们产生了怀疑,现就以下疑点和他们讨论。
There is a certain relationship between soil microorganisms and soil fertility, which we all agree. However, to clarify this issue, we are still stuck in the general concept. Although many attempts have been made to use microbes as indicators of soil fertility, it is still not well established that those are the most sensitive indicators of soil fertility. We read the paper by Hao Wenying et al., “Soil Microflora and Its Relationship with Soil Fertility,” in the Journal of Soil Science (Vol. 9, No. 1-2). They found that some of the fungi are peculiar species of paddy soil, Tuberculina genus also can be used as a indicator of fertility, these results aroused great interest in our hospital has sent a letter to Tuberculina species in an attempt to further validate this meaningful results into practice, however, As a result, we were suspicious and discussed with them on the following suspicion.