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  A blade of grass twitched just outside the tire. Rachet instinctively drew her feet under her and studied the grass through the tear in the tire. It quivered—something alive. Her hunger told her—mouse. Her tail twitched, her rear end went up, her chest lowered, and she pounced, swinging an open-clawed paw—and missed.
   The mouse ran. It scurried down its trail and dove under a soda can. Rachet ran after it but only so far. Sitting down behind a clump of grass, she waited, motionless, for the mouse to come out and go home.
   The ground shook, and a train roared into the station. She remained still and listened. Moments later a man’s voice shouted “All aboard!” The mouse took advantage of the sound and scurried into its nest in the ground.
   With its disappearance Rachet felt really hungry. She sniffed. But she didn’t smell mouse. She smelled more cats crossing the vacant lot.
   Queenella was first. Well behind her, running short distances, then stopping, came Ice Bucket, a white but dirty cat. Next came Flea Market. Her brown fur was matted from biting fleas. A small calico, Elizabeth, came slinking low from the vacant lot. She crept daintily and shyly. Then came Tatters and Tachometer, sisters. They dashed out from under the old tollbooth at the entrance to the station parking lot, where they had made their First Home after the parking meters had been installed and the booth abandoned. All cats seek a First Home, the place to which they return again and again, be it a pillow by a fire, a corner of a couch, or a sheltered spot in the wilds. It is not necessarily a permanent place, for a cat will shift homes according to food supply, mood, and events. Sometimes one will change First Homes just for a cat whim.
   All the cats were walking to the railroad station. Their inner alarm clocks told them it was 6:45 A.M.—the time the Bent Lady put out cans of cat food by the station platform. She came there every day to feed the cats of Roxville Station. She liked them better than the people in the housing project, who rarely spoke to her. The cats liked her, too. They meowed and said hello by bumping their foreheads against her trousers.
   Rachet smelled the food—the kind of food from a can she had sometimes been fed. Its aroma piqued her hunger, and the hunger drove her forward. Boldly she joined the cats on the trek to the Bent Lady’s hand-out—stopping and starting to keep out of their sight. Near the station platform she sat down and watched Ice Bucket and Flea Market approach the food. Their tails were up, not quite as high and straight as Queenella’s, and they swished them to express their wariness of the queen.   就在轮胎外面,有片草叶抖了抖。拉齐特本能地把爪子收到身子底下,通过轮胎空隙观察那棵草。草的抖动意味着有活物。她的饥饿感告诉她——是老鼠。拉齐特尾巴抖了抖,臀部抬起,胸部放低,爪子张开挥舞着扑了过去,但是没有扑到。
  【第一段】这里有两处语序调整。第一处是第一句的地点状语提前(就在轮胎外面),这样更符合中文习惯。第二处是最后一句的方式状语swinging an open-clawed paw(爪子张开挥舞着)提前,因为如果放在动作后面不符合中文叙事的一般逻辑。由此可见,英译汉当中,状语经常有需要调整语序的时候。第三句是一个省略句,译文添加了“意味着”,把整个句子连接起来。
  【第二段】所谓mouse trail,就是老鼠来回走的小路。这里是老鼠的地盘,它熟门熟路,不容易被抓到。拉齐特年幼,没有经验,更不容易抓到老鼠。
  【第五段】猫群当中一般都有一个地位最高的。在这些流浪猫当中就是女王艾拉了。进食的时候,其他猫咪都要按照地位高低依次而行,不得僭越。即使自由自在的野外,也不是完全自由的天堂,同样有暴力和欺压。拉齐特只能慢慢适应环境。该段有多个猫咪的名字需要翻译。一般情况下,动物名字都有意义,按照字面翻译即可,除非名字的意义不明确。像拉齐特(rachet)的意思是“棘齿”,跟全书的意义没有必然联系,因此按照发音翻译。而其他的猫咪,如冰桶、跳蚤市场、破布和转速计姐妹等,都一一按照字面意义翻译。至于文中的专有术语First Home,如直译“第一家”,中文不容易理解,所以转译为“大本营”。
In 1944, a tragedy struck the Chagall. Chagall’s wife—Bella Chagall died of a viral infection. The couple had loved each other strongly from the moment they first met, and had lived happily together a
看似基本的,却往往复杂。其他的领域姑且不论,在我比较熟知的英语,这样“似非而是”(paradox)的情况似乎屡见不鲜。  数字(number)可细分为基数(cardinal number)和序数(ordinal number)。基数表基本的数量,如一、二、三;序数表事物的顺序,如第一、第二、第三。中文的数字系统相对单纯,在基数前加个“第”就成了序数。  英文基数和序数的关系也不复杂。大原则是,在基
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