2009年,在Santier主教的倡议和红衣主教工程协会的支持下,克雷泰伊教区管理协会为克雷泰伊圣母院教堂扩建项目选择了一个富有野心的方案。该教堂原有建筑部分由罗马大奖获得者夏尔-古斯塔夫-施托斯科普夫(Charles-Gustave Stoskopf)设计,是一幢十分符合1970年代“共融式神学”精神的建筑。现在,它也被认为是克雷泰伊城当代遗产的一部分。
In 2009, with the support of Bishop Santier and the Cardinal Works Association, Crete Parish Management Association chose an ambitious program for the expansion project of the Church of Notre Dame de Crete. Designed by the Roman Prize winner Charles-Gustave Stoskopf, the original part of the church is a building very much in line with the 1970s “communal theology” . It is now also considered part of the contemporary heritage of Crete.