海上反潜巡逻机是主要在海上执行反潜、反舰、警戒巡逻、布雷、救生及远程侦察等任务的军用飞机。根据起降方式不同,又分成陆基型(又叫岸基型)、舰载型和水上型(用船身或浮筒代替机轮)三类,它们各有长处,常搭配使用。对海上巡逻机的作战要求是:航程远, 以适应远洋作战需求;续航时间长(通常为10小时以上),以保证足够的巡逻面积; 一般采用亚声速巡航;机上装备搜寻与探测设备,如雷达、声呐、磁探仪、夜视仪及远程导航定位仪;配备机载武器,如机炮、火箭弹、导弹、鱼雷、水雷、炸弹、照明弹等;配备海面救生器材、如绞车、橡皮舟、探照灯、急救箱等。
Offshore anti-submarine patrol aircraft is the implementation of anti-submarine, anti-ship, patrolling, mines, mines, life-saving and long-range reconnaissance missions at sea. According to different takeoff and landing methods, is divided into three types of land-based (also known as shore-based), carrier-based and waterborne (with hull or buoy instead of the wheel), they have their own strengths, often with the use of. The operational requirements for maritime patrol aircraft are: long voyage to meet the operational needs of the ocean; long battery life (usually 10 hours or more) to ensure adequate patrolling area; usually subsonic cruise; on-board equipment search and detection equipment such as Equipped with airborne weapons such as cannon, rockets, missiles, torpedoes, mines, bombs, flares, etc .; equipped with sea surface rescue equipment such as winches, rubber boats , Searchlights, first aid kit.