Calculation of Skin Depths and Eddy-Current Power Losses for Magnetic Position Sensors

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:akiro
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We present a theoretic model to calculate skin depths and eddy-current power losses for a magnetic position sensor. Eddy-current, arised from the operation of an alternating-current excitation, induces secondary currents and fields between magnetic material and magnetic position sensor. In this paper, a magnetic position sensor system is simplified to be an outer-winding coil along the axial direction of a low carbon steel bar. The analytical model is derived from basic field and circuit theory considering a linear approximation for a nonlinear permeability. Thus the skin depths and eddy-current power losses from the model in eddy-current modeling techniques at various frequencies of an excited current source can be calculated. The proposed configuration is capable of predicting the skin depths and eddy-current power losses for a magnetic position sensor and has a consistence with experiments. We present a theoretic model to calculate skin depths and eddy-current power losses for a magnetic position sensor. Eddy-current, arised from the operation of an alternating-current excitation, induces secondary currents and fields between magnetic material and magnetic position sensor. In this paper, a magnetic position sensor system is simplified to be an outer-winding coil along the axial direction of a low carbon steel bar. The analytical model is derived from basic field and circuit theory considering a linear approximation for a nonlinear permeability. skin depths and eddy-current power losses from the model in eddy-current modeling techniques at various frequencies of an excited current source can be calculated. The proposed configuration is capable of predicting the skin depths and eddy-current power losses for a magnetic position sensor and has a consistence with experiments.
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徐子久,字松涛,号白发书翁,1948年出生于浙江省台州仙居。师承书法泰斗沙孟海先生。  先后毕业于曲阜师范大学艺术系和浙江美术学院国画系,为首批中国书协会员,中国书法研究院副院长,北京书法学校教授。主编出版《中国硬笔书法家辞典》上下卷、出版字帖及专著70余种。其108米长卷书法作品《金刚经》创翰海2006年春拍记录,在北京有专门展示个人作品的徐子久艺术馆。是《中国文艺55年》书法篇介绍的当代22位
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