目的 探讨点压放大摄影在乳腺肿瘤早期诊断中的价值。方法 对仿真乳腺体模及30例乳腺有致密片团影的患者行常规摄片和点压放大摄片,对照研究了病灶的形状、边界、钙化、条索等显示情况。结果30例乳腺病灶的良、恶性诊断准确率近90%,明显高于常规平片对乳腺致密区检查的准确性。结论 点压放大片有助于早期发现乳腺肿瘤,提高乳腺肿瘤的检出率和准确率。
Objective To explore the value of point-pressure magnified photography in the early diagnosis of breast tumors. Methods Routine radiography and point-pressure magnified photographs were performed on the simulated breast phantom and 30 patients with mammary dense masses. The shape, border, calcification, and cords of the lesions were comparatively studied. Results The diagnostic accuracy of benign and malignant lesions in 30 breast lesions was nearly 90%, which was significantly higher than that of conventional plain films. Conclusion Point-magnifying tablet can help early detection of breast tumors and improve the detection rate and accuracy of breast tumors.