B ultrasound used to check the size of the prostate, the prostate usually need to measure the left and right diameter, anteroposterior diameter and diameter, and then into the approximate formula (such as the 1979 Wichael reported 4 / 3πr_1r_2r_3 elliptical formula used to calculate the volume of the prostate) derived from The upper and lower diameter of the determination of the need to use the body cavity detector rectal or urethra detection is neither convenient nor easy to be accepted by the patients, and most hospitals and most of them have no body cavity detector, so we through 26 cases of open surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia Of the cases, the preoperative B ultrasound measured left and right diameter and anteroposterior diameter and prostate surgery out of the weight of the prostate, using linear regression equation calculated by the statistical treatment of prostate diameter obtained by using two empirical formulas and draw Norm diagram.