据Cucak H 2014年1月4日[JLB,2014,95(1):149-160.]报道,丹麦科学家们发现,在小鼠中,免疫细胞的特定类型——巨噬细胞在疾病的早期阶段侵入糖尿病胰腺组织。然后,这些炎性细胞产生大量促炎蛋白(细胞因子),直接作用消除胰腺中产生胰岛素的β细胞,导致糖尿病。人们的腰围在增加,2型糖尿病的发病率也在增加。现在,科学家们已经能更好地了解身体究竟发生了什么导致2型糖尿病,
According to Cucak H, January 4, 2014 [JLB, 2014, 95 (1): 149-160.] Reported that Danish scientists found that in mice, a specific type of immune cells - macrophages in the early stages of the disease Phase invasion of diabetic pancreas. These inflammatory cells then produce large amounts of proinflammatory proteins (cytokines) that act directly to eliminate insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, leading to diabetes. People’s waist circumference is increasing, the incidence of type 2 diabetes is also increasing. Now scientists have been able to better understand exactly what happened to the body leading to type 2 diabetes,