为优化传统Spar平台的垂荡性能,以Umaine-Hywind Spar平台为模型,运用数值计算方法对附有不同形状垂荡板平台进行垂荡和纵摇响应RAO的频域和时域特性分析.结果表明,以直径9.4m圆形垂荡板的性能为基准,保持各板面积、周长和当量直径不变,分别对不同形状垂荡板的优化效果进行比较,在各板周长相等的情况下,正方形垂荡板的优化效果最为突出,随着正多边形边数的增多,其优化效果逐渐减弱;当量直径相等时,正方形垂荡板的优化效果最不理想.“,”To optimize the heave performance of heave plate of Spar platform,numerical simulation was applied on heave plates with different geometries of Umaine-Hywind Spar model and the RAO of heave and pitch responses were analyzed in both time domain and frequency domain.The performance of round heave plate with a diameter of 9.4m is used as a criterion,heave plates of different geometries were analyzed when one of the three parameters,areas,equivalent diameters or perimeters,are kept to be the same.It was concluded that the optimization effect of square heave plate is the most prominent under equal conditions perimeter of each plate,the performance declines when number of sides of polygon geometry increases.When they have the same equivalent diameters,square heave plates has the worst performance.