我国是高原高山之国,从天山、帕米尔、喀喇昆仑到喜马拉雅有长达3 500公里的高原国防线。我军的许多高山边防站和哨所都在海拔4 000m以上,如花石峡兵站(4 300m)、喀喇昆仑红旗拉甫边防站(4 300m)、唐古拉兵站(5 100m)和荣获中央军委“喀喇昆仑钢铁哨卡”的神仙湾哨卡(5 380m)。这些高山边防战士和反恐、处突任务艰巨的高原武警部队要在
My country is a plateau high mountain country, from the Tianshan, Pamir, Karakorum to the Himalayas up to 3 500 km plateau defense line. Many of our military’s mountainfront border posts and posts are at an altitude of 4,000 meters above sea level, such as the Hua Shixia Subway Station (4 300 m), the Karakoram Red Flag Pula Frontier Station (4 300 m), the Tanggu Lao Station (5 100 m) and the Central Military Commission Karakorum Steel Post Card "The Immortal Bay checkpoint card (5 380m). These mountain frontier fighters and the anti-terrorist and anti-terrorism task units in the plateau armed police