钢筋混凝土钢筋保护层的厚度,是指受力钢筋的外边缘到混凝土外边缘的距离。在梁、柱、板中,保护层越大则有效截面越小,所能承受的荷载越小,故保护层厚度不宜过大;而保护层越小则影响钢筋与混凝土的粘结力、构件的耐久性和耐火性。GB 50204-2002《混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范》第9.2.5条中对受力钢筋的保护层厚度有严格的要求,并对允许偏差值设了明确规定;保护层
Reinforced concrete protection layer thickness, refers to the outer edge of reinforced steel to the outer edge of the concrete distance. In beams, columns and slabs, the larger the protective layer is, the smaller the effective cross-section is and the smaller the load can be applied. Therefore, the thickness of the protective layer should not be too large; while the smaller protective layer will affect the bond strength between the steel bar and the concrete. Durability and fire resistance. GB 50204-2002 “Construction Quality Acceptance Code for Construction of Concrete Structures” in Article 9.2.5 of the reinforced steel bar thickness of the protective layer has strict requirements and allowable deviation values set out clearly defined; protective layer