The average soil total molybdenum content in Hebei Province was 0.61ppm, lower than the national average of 1.7ppm and the world average (2.3ppm). The available soil active molybdenum was 0.19ppm on average, and 68.6% of available soil available molybdenum in the province was below the critical boundary deficiency (0.15ppm), 8.6% of Molybdenum cultivated land with 0.16-0.20ppm of effective molybdenum and 22.8% of high molybdenum cultivars of> 0.20ppm.This paper discussed the effect of soil parent material, soil texture, organic matter, calcium carbonate, Molybdenum content and distribution.According to 3982 soil samples, a map of soil available molybdenum in Hebei was compiled.