田海蓉是上海戏剧学院表演系95级学生。第一次拍电视剧就在李少红导演的《雷雨》中饰四凤。她学习琵琶专业有十个年头,做过两年电视节目主持人。 张铁林在1984年赴英国国家电影学院编导系学习。因编导《外国人》获英国学院奖青年导演奖。他留
Tian Hairong is a 95th performance student at the Shanghai Theater Academy. The first film on the drama directed by Li Shaohong “Thunderstorm” decorated four phoenix. She studied pipa majors for ten years and spent two years as a TV presenter. Zhang Tielin in 1984 to the British National Film Institute director of learning. Because director “foreigner” won the British Academy Award for young director award. He stay