惩治危害社会治安的犯罪 ,是维护社会稳定、保障改革开放深入进行的必要之举 ,也是依法治国的重要内容。当前严重危害社会治安犯罪的主要特征是 :突发性、暴力性、有组织性和内外勾结型。为了有效打击严重危害社会治安的犯罪 ,促进社会治安的根本好转 ,在总结以往经验和不足的基础上 ,确立科学的惩治与预防严重危害社会治安犯罪的对策是非常必要的。这些对策应包括 :坚持依法、公正和效率原则 ,注重保护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法权利 ;明确打击重点 ,针对不同性质的犯罪采取不同的措施 ;打击与反腐败相结合 ;化解民事矛盾 ,消除诱发因素 ;打击与预防相结合 ,完善综合治理体系
Punishing crimes that jeopardize public order is a necessary move to safeguard social stability and ensure a more in-depth reform and opening up. It is also an important part of governing the country according to law. The main features that are currently gravely endangering public security crimes are sudden, violent, organized and collusion. In order to effectively crack down on crimes that endanger the public order and promote the fundamental improvement of social order, it is necessary to establish a scientific measure to punish and prevent crimes that seriously endanger public security on the basis of summing up past experiences and shortcomings. These measures should include: Adhering to the principle of according to law, fairness and efficiency, paying attention to protecting the legitimate rights of criminal suspects and defendants; defining the key points of attack, taking different measures against crimes of different nature; combating and combating corruption; resolving civil conflicts, Elimination of predisposing factors; combating strikes and prevention and improving the integrated management system