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近年来,快速城市化催生了都市蔓延、职住分离、公交供给滞后等现象,导致“最后一公里”问题凸显,继而引发了通勤成本增加、私人小汽车依赖、“黑车”猖獗、治安混乱等一系列社会问题。地方政府采取了建设多模式枢纽、增加公交供给、规范市场秩序等措施,加快公共服务供给和管理模式创新。其中,超过50个城市采用了公共自行车方式来满足市民的短途出行需求,代表性的城市有杭州、武汉和上海等。公共自行车运营模式有政府主导型、公私合作制以及纯民营化方式等。本文以公私合作制的S市M区公共自行车项目为考察对象,运用公共经济学和绩效评估理论,对公共自行车的经济学特征进行探讨,并采用社会成本收益分析对项目建设成效进行实证研究。研究表明,对于采用公私合作制运营的公共自行车项目,在监管环节,应对企业进行成本规制,增加成本信息透明度;通过激励性财政补贴措施,以及适度引入有效竞争,引导企业降低内部的运营和管理成本。在绩效环节,应对服务质量进行结果导向的满意度评价,以最大程度提升公共服务的实际效果与回应性。 In recent years, the rapid urbanization has brought about such phenomena as the spread of cities, the separation of the work and the residence, and the lag in the supply of public transportation, resulting in the problem of “the last mile ”, which in turn leads to the increase of commuting costs, the dependence of private cars and the rampant of “black cars” , Security disorder and a series of social problems. Local governments have taken such measures as building a multi-mode hub, increasing the supply of public transportation and standardizing the market order so as to speed up the innovation of public service provision and management mode. Among them, more than 50 cities use public bicycles to meet the public’s short-distance travel needs. Representative cities include Hangzhou, Wuhan and Shanghai. Public bicycle operating modes are government-led, public-private partnerships and purely privatization methods. In this paper, public and private cooperative S-City M District public bicycle project as the object of study, the use of public economics and performance evaluation theory to explore the economics of public bicycle characteristics and social cost-benefit analysis of the project construction effectiveness of an empirical study. The research shows that for the public bicycle projects operated by public-private partnerships, the cost control should be regulated in the regulatory process so as to increase the transparency of cost information. By encouraging financial subsidies and appropriate introduction of effective competition, enterprises should be guided to reduce internal operation and management cost. In the performance aspect, the result-oriented satisfaction evaluation of service quality should be conducted so as to maximize the actual effect and responsiveness of public service.
丹麦哥本哈根BIG建筑事务所(Bjarke Ingels Group)在瑞士巴塞尔Transitlager改造设计邀请赛中获胜,将巴塞尔的一座1960年代的混凝土仓库扩建改造成工作、生活、休闲场所。仓
摘要美国哥特式小说的前期主要是以庄园文学为主,通过渲染庄园封闭环境中的恐怖血腥气氛来表现庄园的黑暗;后期主要以英国哥特式小说为范例,并受18世纪末哥特式小说的分化演变(即分为恐怖哥特式和感伤哥特式两种)的影响,也相应呈现出这两种小说的分化趋势,但感伤哥特式小说逐渐成为美国哥特式小说的主流。本文探讨了美国哥特式小说的起源及发展。  关键词:美国哥特式小说清教庄园制度  中图分类号:I106文献标识码
2007年,WHO国际癌症研究所确认,倒班能引起人体的生理节奏紊乱,是可能的人类致癌危险因素(2A级)。其中,影响倒班工人生理节奏紊乱的夜光暴露是重要的危 In 2007, the WHO In