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近距离双手持枪射击的优越性(1)双手持枪的两臂与身体构成三角形,而三角形的几何特性就是稳定性。双手握枪和通过两臂向后传送后座力,可以大大减小枪的跳动,还能缩短射击过程中每次发射的恢复时间,从而有利于短时间内连续射击。双手持枪还有利于防止近距离内被袭击而使枪支脱手。(2)从心理学角度分析,实战中,事件发生的时间往往几秒钟内就结束。因此,当事人在心理上临场会产生错综复杂的变化,其显著特征就是心律加快,呼吸急促,肌肉被动收缩。采用双手强力控制枪的握法,有利于减少心律加快、呼吸急促带来的影响,适应紧张条件下肌肉僵硬时的临场状态。另外,双手持枪动作增加了手臂的支撑点,触觉点相应增加,这也会在射击心理上产生踏实感、稳定感,这是单手持枪动作无法比拟的。(3)能够便于射击位置移动,更加合理利用掩护物,在保护自己的同时完成射击动作。例如:直角转体射击动作(侧身双手射击的变形)就是典型的范例。当警察在胡同口、窗外或门口射击罪犯时,身体左侧背部贴在墙上,利用砖墙做掩护,抓住瞬间 The advantages of close-range two-hand gun shooting (1) Two arms and arms form a triangle with his body, and the geometric characteristics of the triangle is stability. With both hands holding the gun and sending recoil back through the arms, the rifle of the gun can be drastically reduced and the recovery time of each launch in the shooting process can be shortened, thereby facilitating continuous shooting in a short period of time. Holding a gun with both hands also helps prevent fire from being shot at close range. (2) From a psychological point of view, in actual combat, the events often take place in seconds. Therefore, the parties in the psychological presence will have intricate changes, the notable feature is the accelerated heart rate, shortness of breath, muscle passive contraction. Grip with both hands to control the gun strength is conducive to reducing the impact of accelerated heart rate, shortness of breath, adapt to the presence of muscle stiffness under the conditions of tension. In addition, the two hands holding a gun increases the arm support point, a corresponding increase in the tactile point, which will also have a sense of shooting pragmatic sense of stability, which is unmanned single-handed gun action. (3) can facilitate the shooting position to move, more reasonable use of cover, in the protection of their own at the same time to complete the shooting action. For example: right-angle swirling shooting action (sideways hands shooting deformation) is a typical example. When the police at the alley mouth, outside the window or at the door shooting criminals, the body left back affixed to the wall, the use of brick walls to cover, seize the moment
英国一个叫“科诺俱乐部”的狗狗沙龙每年都要举行“年度狗狗拍照师”的摄影竞赛。下面的照片就选自历年的优胜作品。我们从中可以看见狗狗的快乐瞬间。 A Dog Salon called
摘要:学习兴趣是学习动机的心理成分,是推动学生探究知识的动力,它会使学生产生学习需要。因此学生对某一学科有无兴趣至关重要。从某种意义来说,培养学生的学习兴趣比给他们知识还要重要。因而,在小学数学教学活动中,教师要充分调动学生的学习兴趣,变“要我学”为“我要学”。  关键词:营造氛围;启迪思维;交往品质;实践操作  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)17-
目前 ,全国广大邮政干部职工正在为实现中国邮政三年扭亏为盈、五年形成自我发展能力的战略目标而努力工作着。笔者认为 ,邮政企业要扭亏为盈 ,当前要三管齐下 ,在发展、改革
与以往五种社会形态理论相比,本文所论述的三大社会形态理论更能准确把握社会主义所处的历史发展阶段 Compared with the previous five social modalities, the three major