瞬时感受器电位离子通道蛋白(transient receptor potentialion dannel protein,TRP)是一类组织分布非常广泛的非选择性阳离子通道蛋白。到目前为止,有超过30个TRP通道家族成员在哺乳动物中先后被克隆。TRPV1是近年研究较多、机制较为清楚的TRPV亚家族成员之一,主要分布于外周感觉神经。研究表明,TRPV1通道蛋白可被多种外源或内源性介质敏化或激活,其主要生理功能是感受热、痛等伤害性刺激,且与炎症、咳嗽等多种病理过程密切相关。
Transient receptor potential ion channel protein (TRP) is a type of non-selective cation channel protein with a wide range of tissue distribution. To date, more than 30 TRP channel family members have been cloned in mammals. TRPV1 is one of TRPV subfamily members with more research and clearer mechanism in recent years, mainly distributed in peripheral sensory nerve. Studies have shown that the TRPV1 channel protein can be sensitized or activated by a variety of exogenous or endogenous agents. Its main physiological function is to feel the noxious stimuli such as heat and pain, and is closely related to various pathological processes such as inflammation and cough.