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采用人工方法,从某排土场基底采取花岗岩坡残积土进行室内常规直剪固结快剪试验与中压三轴固结不排水试验。在试验中,分别测定每个试样应力应变曲线及试验前后的密度、含水率。经数据整理发现,CU试验各级固结围压下,试样固结后的密度、含水率与固结围压间呈规律性变化;通过统计分析得到了花岗岩坡残积土c、φ值与固结围压之间的变化关系。利用试样固结后的密度、含水率与固结围压之间的变化规律估算排土场基底花岗岩坡残积土在不同堆高时的物理特征;利用c、φ值与固结围压之间的变化关系,估算排土场基底花岗岩坡残积土在不同堆高时抗剪强度取值。 Using artificial methods, the granite slope residual soil was taken from the base of a dump to carry out conventional direct shear consolidation test and medium pressure triaxial consolidation undrained test. In the test, the stress and strain curves of each sample and the density and moisture content before and after the test were respectively measured. After data consolidation, it is found that the density, moisture content and consolidation confining pressure change after regular consolidation at various levels of CU test, and the c, φ values ​​of residual soil of granite slope are obtained by statistical analysis The relationship between consolidation confining pressure. The physical characteristics of the remnant soils of granite slope at the bottom of the dump were evaluated by the variation of density, moisture content and consolidation confining pressure after consolidation. The relationship between the changes in the estimated dumping granite basement of the residual soil at different pile heights shear strength values.
<正>结直肠癌(colorectal cancer,CRC)是中国发病率、死亡率最高的癌症之一,其中20%的病人在诊断时已经进展到晚期或发生转移。既往CRC的治疗方法有限,在2000年后CRC治疗方法
反思教学近年来受到西方应用语言学家和教学法家的高度重视 ,将反思教学引入第二语言教学和外语课堂是提高教师教学水平的一个有效途径。在第二语言教学中 ,最近的倾向是从“