Intermediate Task based Approach in Computing Teaching

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  (湖南人文科技學院,湖南 娄底 417000)
  【Abstract】: Task-based computing teaching (TBCT) has been widely debated and studied in the field of the computing research. Many researches have proved that it is a creative and effective teaching approach. Intermediate task based computing teaching approach is comparatively a most practical and effective teaching method for the TBCT in the computing teaching, hence, it will contribute much to developing the students' ability to use the computing effectively, correctly and appropriately and help the students to form positive affection in their computing learning.
  【Key words】 : intermediate, task-based approach, task, computing teaching
  The Task-based computing teaching (TBCT) has been widely debated and studied in the field of the computing research. Many researches have proved that it is a creative and effective teaching approach and nowadays, more and more computing teachers in China are getting conscious of its importance and applicability in their teaching practice.
  2.Definition of Intermediate Task-based Approach
  The intermediate task-based approach in teaching has changed the traditional knowledge-based teaching idea, gradually across to solve the problem, complete the task of interactive teaching to explore for the purpose of helping students discover problems, propose solutions and problem solving ability. It is a new teaching method based on constructivism. It will be contrary of the traditional teaching idea in the past mainly to impart knowledge to solve the problem with the multidimensional interactive task based teaching idea; teaching and learning will be reproduced for the inquiry, so that students could be in active learning state, and every student can according to their own understanding of the current problems use of common knowledge and their own unique experience and put forward a proposal to solve the problem.
  3.Intermediate Task-based Approach in Computing Teaching
  Designers are usually those who create or provide creative work in a particular field of art, and those who combine art with commerce. As a matter of fact, teachers play the same role in teaching. We know that design is the process of communicating a plan or vision in a visual form. Human beings transform the world through labor, civilization,material wealth and spiritual wealth, and the most basic and important creative activity is creation. Design is the creation of activities that are planned in advance and can be understood as the design, technology, and planning process of any creation. While teachers have to do something similar to the designer's work and that is their pre-plan through purposeful design and in the implementation of teaching practice.   From the point of view of students, task-based approach is an effective learning method, and it is a good way to achieve zero distance employment for Higher Vocational College students. Under the driving of the task, the students from the traditional "passive receiving educator" came to the front desk. Students, under the guidance of teachers with the practice of beginning, learn theoretical knowledge and do the practice of operation from which the efficiency of learning has been improved, and students interest in learning has also been improved. The completion of the task means that the students get the results through labor, and the result is the goal and satisfaction of the students in the course of learning. The students from the fields of knowledge found learning is a kind of happiness, and naturally reduce the students because of the one-sided pursuit of a system of knowledge, "we cannot see the wood for the trees" knowledge structure has been revisited. What is more important is the complex and comprehensive knowledge objectives that students cross from simple and simple knowledge goals, and the process of transformation from knowledge to application.
  Constructivist learning theory holds that knowledge is not taught by teachers, but learners learn in certain contexts with the help of others with the use of necessary learning materials through the way of the meaning construction. Construction is not only the construction of new knowledge meaning, but also the transformation and reorganization of the original experience. Task-based teaching mode changes the traditional structure of teaching and learning, and makes students truly become the subject of learning. In addition to the status of mentors and guides, teachers do not have any other authority. It can greatly stimulate students' learning interest and desire for knowledge, learning to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of students to cultivate students' autonomous learning as well as the ability to analyze and solve problems and collaboration, innovation, the spirit of exploration. In this model, students will be able to get information, help, and become teachers at any time through other learning media. This kind of teaching method applied to the comprehensive teaching skills that's just a matter of time, it will completely change the traditional teaching mode, and the individualized truly implemented, so that each learner will learn as a kind of enjoyment.
  4.The factors that influence higher vocational teachers' using task driven approach in Computing Teaching   Teaching environment requirement refers to the condition factors that educators and educators need for classroom teaching environment. Usually, the classroom refers to the school teachers, but with the development of modern education, the classroom is no longer just classrooms, but also the nature of the classroom, social classes, and so on.
  The teaching environment is a complex system composed of many different elements, while generalized teaching environment refers to all the conditions affect the school teaching activities (including material and spirit), which can be a physical environment and psychological environment. These two types of environments can exist as relatively independent subsystems and have different components. The narrow sense teaching environment refers to all the factors that influence the teaching in the class, including class size, seating pattern, class atmosphere, teacher-student relationship, etc..
  Not method itself guarantees high quality, but the application. By comparison with the traditional class teaching method, the author comes to realize that intermediate TBCT creates conditions for students' motivation to learn, higher-level achievement and more positive social relations with peers. Every coin has two sides. Intermediate TBCT also has some constraints and sets high standards upon teachers and students.
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