Stevens—lohonson 氏综合征为一种急性粘膜—皮肤—眼部综合征。主要特征为皮肤出现渗出性多形性红斑,并伴有膜性结膜炎及粘膜溃疡。我院于1976年收治本病一例,报告如下:郑某,男,14岁,住院号104853。于1976年11月4日晚因会阴部尿道裂伤急诊入院。患者二小时前在电影院横跨椅子时不慎会阴部受伤,后觉尿急,小便不能,尿道口出血。既往体健,家族史无特殊。住院体检:神志清楚,合作。发育营养中等。体温:37.6℃。
Stevens-lohonson’s syndrome is an acute mucocutaneous-ocular syndrome. Main features of the skin exudative erythema multiforme, and associated with membranous conjunctivitis and mucosal ulcers. Our hospital in 1976 admitted to this disease in one case, the report is as follows: Jeong, male, 14 years old, hospital number 104853. On the night of November 4, 1976 due to perineal urethral injury emergency admission. Two hours before the patient across the chair in the cinema when the accidental perineal injury, urinary urgency, urination can not, urethral bleeding. Previous health, family history no special. Hospitalization: conscious, cooperation. Medium nutrition. Body temperature: 37.6 ℃.