Xiaoping Ping Paleolithic site found in April 2005, in May and its review. The site is located in the river terraces in Jixian County, Tianjin. There are 31 stone products, including stone, stone and tools, found on its khase clayy silt and surface. The raw materials are mainly quartz sandstone. Paleolithic pebbles at the bottom of the terraces of ancient human settlements were peeled and processed into stone pebbles. Hammer hammering was the main technique for peeling chips. The stone products were mostly small and micro-sized. The stone was mainly made of stone chips and scrapers were the main ones Type; stone and more by the ancient human stone in one side of the use of hammering forward processing. The characteristics of stone products show the cultural landscape of stone industry in northern China. The contrast between landform and stratum shows that the site of the site belongs to the late Late Pleistocene, ie, the Late Paleolithic.