Analysis for mechanism to enhance heat transport by solitary wave on falling thin liquid films

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zj5536
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The first purpose of this research is to investigate a more complicated viscous flow with a free surface-modelling solitary wave on a falling thin liquid film, to calculate velocity and temperature fields in solitary wave, to explore the mechanism of enhancing heat transport by solitary wave, and to further simulate heat and mass transport process by solitary wave. The first purpose of this research is to investigate a more complicated viscous flow with a free surface-modeling solitary wave on a falling thin liquid film, to calculate velocity and temperature fields in solitary wave, to explore the mechanism of enhancing heat transport by solitary wave , and to further simulate heat and mass transport process by solitary wave.
“国际标准分类法”已由 ISO 信息委员会提出,现已正式被 ISO 和 IEC 认可并公开于众了。该分类法所设类目全面、科学、合理,配号方法灵活,允许使用者自行扩类。从1995年起,
本刊讯 :2 0 0 0年 3月 2 5日 ,《财贸经济》编委会会议暨“1 999年度《财贸经济》优秀论文”颁奖会在北京召开。《财贸经济》编委会顾问刘国光研究员、黄达教授以及编委会和
由新闻出版署和科技部组织的首届“国家期刊奖”评奖委员会于 1999年 11月 2 8日评出获奖期刊 .各地各部门共推荐参评社科类期刊 2 72种 ,科技类期刊 2 78种 .经过初评、复评
The trial impoundment was carried on in Three Gorges Reservoir from September 27, 2008. There were strong deformation and failure in Hefeng (鹤峰) landslide whe