Patient, female, 38 years old, schizophrenia, delusional. History of 4 years, the first treatment. Expelling five chlorpheniramine 80mg, 1 times a week, but patients taking 80mg, 3 times a day. Due to systemic tearing discomfort, can not sit, sleep difficulties, insomnia, lack of thinking, physical weakness treatment. In the beginning, it was found that pentafluoride was orally inadvertently up to a total amount of 560 mg. Equivalent to 1 to 2 months conventional dosage. Patients dexterity, language delay, restlessness, anxiety. Were stopped taking the drug, plus service Antan 6mg, glutamic acid 1.0g, 3 times a day, daily static vitamin B_6400mg, 25% magnesium sulfate 10 ~ 20ml, daily liquid volume of 2500mI. Symptoms were relieved after 5 days of treatment. 28th treatment only