Regardless of the length of the article, the article is an organic whole composed of many sentences around a certain logical content according to a certain central level. There is a content connection between the paragraph and the paragraph and between the sentence and the sentence, and is unified in the passage of the article from beginning to end. The structure of the article is always multi-level in structure. There are many sub-topics and minor issues under the big agenda. Therefore, the passage of the article is not straight-forward. It is like a meandering river that constantly changes its direction. In the context of the ideographic function in the context of a wide range of associated with the ability to take care of, in addition to this sentence outside the sentence beyond the sentence should be followed, indicating the transformation direction of the article pulse, indicating the relationship between sentences and sentences, or clues, paragraphs and even Entire issues, or tips than the control row, or prompting the voice of the utterance, or prompt context in the opposite or even negative direction. The ideographic function in context