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文章不论长短都是围绕某一中心内容按照一定的逻辑层次由许多句子组合起来的有机整体,段与段和句与句之间都有内容上的联系,自始至终统一在文章的脉路中。文章的内容结构总是多层次的,大议题之下又有许多副议题、小议题,所以文章的脉路不是直线性的,它犹如蜿蜓曲折的河流,不断变换前进的方向。的表意功能在文脉中表现为具有大范围的关联照应能力,除关联本句外还超越句子照应下文,指示文章脉路的变换方向,指示句与句的相互关系,或提示句、段乃至全篇的议题,或提示排比对照,或提示言外之音,或提示文脉朝相反的乃至否定的方向转变。的表意功能在文脉中 Regardless of the length of the article, the article is an organic whole composed of many sentences around a certain logical content according to a certain central level. There is a content connection between the paragraph and the paragraph and between the sentence and the sentence, and is unified in the passage of the article from beginning to end. The structure of the article is always multi-level in structure. There are many sub-topics and minor issues under the big agenda. Therefore, the passage of the article is not straight-forward. It is like a meandering river that constantly changes its direction. In the context of the ideographic function in the context of a wide range of associated with the ability to take care of, in addition to this sentence outside the sentence beyond the sentence should be followed, indicating the transformation direction of the article pulse, indicating the relationship between sentences and sentences, or clues, paragraphs and even Entire issues, or tips than the control row, or prompting the voice of the utterance, or prompt context in the opposite or even negative direction. The ideographic function in context
戏 剧大师曹禺是一团火 ,他在生命的征途上 ,燃烧着自己 ,也燃烧着别人。曹禺先生生前曾多次对笔者说 :“我这个人就是一堆感情。”在研究了曹禺的一生 ,访问了一百多位他的
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目的 分析 2 0 0 0年深圳市各级医疗保健机构的消毒卫生状况。方法 参照《消毒技术规范》(1991) [1] 中的微生物污染监测技术在各医疗机构进行采样 ,依据《卫生防疫微生物