21世纪临近 ,日本铁道技术综合研究所欲想大幅度提高目前新干线的运行速度 ,建造能满足50 0 km/h运行速度的超导磁悬浮铁路系统。就其集电方式而言 ,目前有接触集电方式和非接触集电方式两种。一般讲 ,运行速度达 350 km/h以上的磁浮铁路 ,以采用非接触集电方式为妥。作为非接
As the 21st century approached, the Japan Railway Institute of Technology wanted to significantly increase the current speed of the Shinkansen and construct a superconducting magnetic levitation railway system capable of meeting the speed of 50 km / h. In terms of their power collection methods, there are two types of current collection methods and non-contact collection methods. In general, the maglev railway running at a speed of 350 km / h or more should be considered as a non-contact collector. As non-connected