In recent years, the U.S. warships have repeatedly “visited” the South China Sea and even reached the 12-kilometer territorial waters of the Chinese islands, seriously violating the territorial sovereignty of China. China is a signatory party to the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and the United States has so far failed to ratify the “Convention.” The two countries differ in their legislation on the protection of the maritime rights and interests due to the differences in the legislation between China and the United States on the right of innocent passage of warship territorial waters. By analyzing the differences between the concepts of China and the United States, this article explores the reason why the United States strongly advocates the warship to enjoy the right of innocent passage of the territorial waters. By elaborating on the rationality of the pre-approval system of Chinese warships, this article proposes that the warships should be opposed to the right of innocent passage in the territorial sea In addition, the United States warships in the territorial waters of China’s provocative behavior put forward suggestions.