目的:观察七氟烷对卵白蛋白致敏的豚鼠的高反应气道平滑肌张力的影响。方法40只雄性豚鼠随机分为5组:正常组、致敏组、致敏对照组、致敏2%七氟烷组和致敏4%七氟烷组,每组8只。通过应用卵白蛋白和测量肺阻力变化曲线建立并评价豚鼠的致敏气道模型;根据致敏豚鼠气道平滑肌对不同剂量卡巴胆碱刺激的张力变化评价七氟烷对高反应致敏气道的扩张作用。结果与正常组相比,致敏组能显著升高豚鼠的肺阻力变化曲线;与致敏对照组相比,致敏2%七氟烷组和致敏4%七氟烷组的气道平滑肌张力明显下降。结论七氟烷能够降低卵白蛋致敏的豚鼠的气道平滑肌张力,对高反应致敏气道具有一定的扩张作用。“,”Objective To investigate the effects of sevoflurane on the airway smooth muscle tension in a model of ovalbumin-sensitized guinea pigs with airway hyperresponsiveness.Methods Forty male guinea pigs were randomly divided into 5 groups:normal group,sensitized group,sensitized control group,sensitized 2% sevoflurane group and sensitized 4% sevoflurane group,8 in each group.The lung resisitance was recorded and the dose-response curves for acetylcholine of lung resistance were used to evaluate the sensitized airway model.The airway smooth muscle tension was measured to evaluate the brochodilator effect of sevoflurane.Results The dose-response curves for acetylcholine of lung resistance were elevated significantly in the sensitized group compared to the normal group.With an increase of carbacholine concentration,the airway smooth muscle tension were lower in sensitized 2% sevoflurane group and sensi-tized 4% sevoflurane group than those in sensitized control group.Conclusion The use of sevoflurane can decrease the airway smooth muscle tension of sensitized guinea pigs,which suggests that sevoflurane has a brochodilator effect in sensitized airways.