致力科技进步 提高劳动素质——纪念中国有色金属加工工业协会成立十周年

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今年是中国有色金属加工工业协会成立十周年,也是轻金属分会成立十周年。回顾我同轻金属材料工业在改革开放十余年来的蓬勃发展和存在的问题,展望90年代第二步战略目标的艰巨任务和当前的形势,是很有意义的。在这里仅就致力科技进步和提高劳动素质的问题,谈谈十年来实践的体会和理解,作为轻金属材料同行们的共勉。科学技术的地位和作用问题,十年来全党、全国和广大人民群众的认识都有了一个深刻的转变。中央首先肯定了科学技术是生产力,进一步又指出科学技术是第一生产力,更进一步又提出要高度重视、充分依靠、大力发展科学技术等等思路和想法。最 This year marks the tenth anniversary of the founding of China Nonferrous Metal Processing Industry Association and the tenth anniversary of Light Metal Branch. Looking back on my vigorous development and existing problems with the light metal materials industry over the past decade of reform and opening up, it is of great significance to look forward to the arduous task of the second-phase strategic goal of the 1990s and the current situation. Here only on commitment to technological progress and improve the quality of labor issues, talk about the experience and understanding of the practice of the past 10 years, as light metal materials counterparts encourage each other. The status and role of science and technology, there has been a profound change in the understanding of the entire party, the country and the broad masses of the people over the past decade. The Central Government first affirmed that science and technology are productive forces, and further pointed out that science and technology are the primary productive forces. They further proposed that we should attach great importance to it, fully rely on it, vigorously develop science and technology, and so on. most
Rudolf Wolff 在1990年重金属前景的专门报告中预测,市场经济国家对镍的需求将下降5%左右,即需求量为63万吨。镍产量增加1.5万吨,达60.5万吨,这可因从计划经济国家的进口减少
International textile and trend expert Ms Sachiko Inoue from I.S. Planning Japan, will present the Autumn / Winter 2013 / 14 apparel fabric trends at Interstoff
1 前言依靠科技进步,不断地采用高效的劳动手段和先进的工艺方法,去推动生产力的发展。一方面,科技进步可以加速国民经济和社会发展,另一方面,国民经济和社会飞速发展又会极
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