(上接第5期)虽然学生参加了抗议并引起人们对60年代情况的记忆,但是,撤股运动试图避免那个年代的极端化行为。1985年春的抗议是非暴力的,学生们更为注意提出撤股的问题,而不是扰乱和破坏学校的秩序与设施。这一基调开始便在哥伦比亚大学得以确立。当时,学生坐在汉密尔顿大厅外面而不是在大厅内示威。他们还贴出告示说明,尽管他们阻塞了正门通道,但底层两侧的出入口仍然畅通。“我们并不仇恨索文(Michael Sovern)校长”,哥伦比亚大学的一位示威领导人解释道,“我们认为自己比他有更充分的理由。”《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)写道,“与60年代狂热的学生相比”,撤股抗议者“极其礼
(Continued from issue 5) Although students took part in the protests and aroused people’s memory of the 1960s, the movement to withdraw shares sought to avoid the radicalization of that era. The protests in the spring of 1985 were non-violent and students were more concerned with the issue of withdrawing shares than disturbing and undermining school order and facilities. This tone was first established at Columbia University. At that time, students sat outside of the hall rather than in the lobby. They also posted notices that although they obstructed the main entrance, the entrances to the lower levels remained open. “We do not hate Headmaster Michael Sovern,” a protest leader at Columbia University explains. “We think we have a better case than he does.” “Newsweek writes that” 60s enthusiastic students compared to the “withdrawal of protesters,” extremely ceremonial