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今年1月份国务院召开了全国安全生产工作会议,作出了《关于进一步加强安全生产工作的决定》、发布了《安全生产许可证条例》。然而,年初以来,安全生产的形势依然严峻:从1月1日到2月15日,全国共发生27起一次死亡10人以上的特大事故。在这27起特大事故当中,有26起是公共安全事故,占95%。特别是2月15日,一天发 In January this year, the State Council held a meeting on national work safety and made a “Decision on Further Strengthening Safety Work” and released the “Safety Production Permit Regulations.” However, since the beginning of the year, the situation of production safety has remained grim: from January 1 to February 15, there have been 27 incidents of over 10 deaths each nationwide. Of the 27 major accidents, 26 were public safety accidents, accounting for 95%. Especially on February 15, one day hair