Male patient, 60 years old, cadre. Left abdomen due to sudden Hemp dull, left upper limb weakness on the 2nd in May 30, 1986 admission. Check: BP18.7 / 12.0kPa, clear mind, cranial nerves (a); retinal arterioles thinner. Left upper limb muscle strength Ⅴ ~ - degree, the left side of the body acupuncture reduced, did not lead to pathological reflex. Blood sugar and blood lipids are normal. Brain CT scan showed right temporal lobe low density lesions. By dipyridamole, aspirin, antithrombosis pills, r ~ - ammonia butyrate and acetyl glutamine treatment, July 12 heal. Since June 1987 has been taking sodium alginate (PSS) tablets 50mg, three times a day, no abnormal reaction. April 26, 1988 at 12 noon, a sudden sense of right hand weakness, right mouth salivation, vague language, no headache and vomiting, walking 2 km to our hospital: BP.21.3 / 13.3kPa, P82 times, both sides Pupil 2.5mm, sensitive to light, no exudation and bleeding in the fundus, the right nasolabial fold shallow, tongue right deviation, right upper limb muscle strength Ⅴ ~ - degree, neck soft, did not lead to pathological reflex. Brain CT scan of the left basal ganglia area of a circular clear high-density focus, about 12 × 15