番茄筋腐病的防治应以预防为主,进行综合防治。主要措施包括: 一、选用抗病品种应选择成熟较晚、果实发育较慢的品种,发病率很低。 二、避免多年连作应实行轮作制,以缓和土壤养分的失衡。 三、合理施肥施用的有机肥须充分腐熟,并采用配方施肥技术。氮、磷、钾肥按有效成分
Prevention and treatment of tomato tendons should be based on prevention, comprehensive prevention and treatment. The main measures include: First, the selection of resistant varieties should be selected late mature fruit slower growing varieties, the incidence is very low. Second, to avoid years of continuous cropping should be implemented rotation system to ease the imbalance of soil nutrients. Third, the rational application of organic fertilizers must be fully decomposed, and the use of formula fertilization technology. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium according to the active ingredient