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我读了冰心的《小桔灯》和安徒生的《卖火柴的小女孩》两篇作品.虽然两篇作品中的主人公都是七、八岁穷苦的小姑娘,但她们的性格完全不同.这是为什么呢?我想,最主要的是两个小女孩所生活的时代环境不同.《小桔灯》中的那个女孩生活在二十世纪四十年代中期的中国.当时,反动派统治下的重庆,人民生活在水深火热之中,共产党领导人民正与反动派进行着殊死斗争.小女孩家虽穷,但并不是孤立无援的.中国 I read the two works of Bing Xin’s “Little Orange Light” and Andersen’s “Little Girl Selling Matches.” Although the protagonists in both works are poor girls aged seven or eight, their personality is completely different. Why is that? I think the most important thing is that the environment in which the two little girls live is different. The girl in “Little Orange Light” lived in China in the mid-1940s. At that time, Chongqing was under the reaction of the reactionaries. The people are living in dire straits. The Communist Party’s leading people are struggling with the reactionaries. The little girl’s family is poor, but it is not isolated. China