为探讨青少年屈光不正中的弱视患病规律,提供防治措施,将我科验光室1981~1985年20岁以下青少年屈光不正2799例进行调查,发现弱视236例,患病率占8.43%。 2799例屈光不正均经散瞳检影验光,13岁以下用1%阿托品,14~20岁用2%后马托品,按常规点药。散瞳后均检查眼底、屈光间质、外眼,视力矫正不足1.0者行裂隙灯检查,以排除其他眼病。矫正视力:一眼1.0以上,一眼0.8以下,亦有双眼均0.8以下,即诊断为弱视。对象和方法 1.统计方法:一跟远视,一跟近视,以屈光度数大者计算;混合散光以球镜等值计算;
In order to investigate the prevalence of amblyopia in infants with refractive errors and to provide prevention and treatment measures, 2799 cases of refractive errors in our laboratory from 1981 to 1985 under the age of 20 were investigated. A total of 236 cases of amblyopia were found with a prevalence of 8.43%. 2799 cases of refractive errors were mydriatic retinoscopy, 13% of the following 1% atropine, 14 to 20 years old with 2% of the horsutail, according to the conventional point of medication. Mydriasis after examination fundus, refractive mesenchyme, outer eye, vision correction less than 1.0 line slit lamp examination to rule out other eye diseases. Corrected visual acuity: a 1.0 or more, a 0.8 below, also have eyes below 0.8, that is diagnosed as amblyopia. Objects and methods 1. Statistical methods: a with hyperopia, with myopia, with a large number of diopter calculation; mixed astigmatism spherical equivalent;