A nickel-iron plant construction project is a large-scale smelting laterite mine production of ferronickel project, the use of internationally widely used RKEF process, that is rotary kiln roasting - electric smelting process, the project designed to process about 1,200,000 tons of laterite ore, with an annual output of nickel Ferron nickel content of more than 25% nickel grade about 85,000 tons, using two of the same scale rotary kiln roasting - electric smelting ferronickel production line, the key part of the project roasting and reduction part selection Φ5.5 × 115m large roasting rotary kiln At present, the country’s largest laterite ore smelting rotary kiln. This paper introduces the roasting and reduction process and composition of the kiln, and focuses on the method of building kiln furnace.