
来源 :生态学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djgohx
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According to the studies on 22 samples of soil profile from the natural forest conservation area at Yingzui mountain,the characteristics of soil were described.Research results indicated that the type of soil profile structure was A-B-C-D,and the soil development was successive.The average contents of organic matter in the soil was 54.30g·kg -1 ,the ratio of C/N was 10.93 and the bulk density was 1.25g·cm -3 .the soil texture was heavy loam or light clay.The soil fertility was higher compared with the soil from natural forest conservation of ZhangJiajie mountain,which developed from the same parent material of silicon rocks as Yingzui area.The forest soil of the area is typical in the subtropical natural forest.So it is valuable to be protected. According to the studies on 22 samples of soil profile from the natural forest conservation area at Yingzui mountain, the characteristics of soil were described. Research results that the type of soil profile structure was ABCD, and the soil development was following. The average contents of organic matter in the soil was 54.30 g · kg -1, the ratio of C / N was 10.93 and the bulk density was 1.25 g · cm -3. The soil texture was heavy loam or light clay. The soil fertility was higher than with the soil from natural forest conservation of ZhangJiajie mountain, which developed from the same parent material of silicon rocks as Yingzui area.The forest soil of the area is typical in the subtropical natural forest.So it is valuable to be protected.
随着全社会的消费升级以及人们健康意识的提升,家庭净水设备得到越来越多消费者的认可,不过我国幅员辽阔,各地区多样化的水资源状况决定净水器需求极具差异化,尤其是在智能的助推下,个性化、多样化的家庭细分净水市场也成为企业关注的焦点,而面对种类繁多的家庭净水设备,如何选择也备受大众关注。  刚需助力市场扩张  众所周知,我国是一个水资源匮乏的国家,虽然水资源总量不少,但在巨大人口的饮水需求下,平均饮水量还