颌后神经鞘瘤较少见,该瘤生长缓慢、逐渐长大、与腮腺区关系密切,临床上可能与腮腺肿瘤混淆,因而易造成诊断上的错误。我院1984年收治一例颌后神经鞘瘤,术前临床误诊为腮腺混合瘤,现报告如下。病例:患者阳某某,女,49岁,已婚,农民,于1984年5月10日入院。左侧颌后发现指头大小无痛肿块1年。曾到某市4家医院检查,临床多诊断为“腮腺混合瘤”。我院门诊以“腮腺混合瘤”收入院治疗。既往颌后无外伤史。检查见双侧颌后不对称。无面瘫,左颌后可见4 5×4×3立方厘米
Postmandibular schwannoma is less common. The tumor grows slowly, gradually grows, and is closely related to the parotid gland area. It may be confused with parotid gland tumors in clinical practice, and it may easily cause diagnostic errors. In 1984, our hospital received a case of postmandibular schwannomas, which were misdiagnosed as mixed tumors of the parotid gland before surgery. The report is as follows. Case: The patient Yang Mou, female, 49 years old, married, farmer, admitted to hospital on May 10, 1984. Finger painless masses were found 1 year after the left jaw. He had visited 4 hospitals in a certain city and had a clinical diagnosis of “mixed tumors of parotid glands.” Our hospital was treated with a “mixed tumor of parotid glands”. There was no history of posttraumatic trauma. Check the bilateral posterior jaw asymmetry. No facial paralysis, 4 5 x 4 x 3 cm 3 can be seen behind the left jaw