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我国禁毒工作方针中“堵源截流”是禁毒工作的核心,也是关键,而“堵源截流”的客体与对象不仅仅是毒品的物质流,也包括毒资的资金流。因为毒品犯罪过程是由物质流、资金流与信息流构成的,信息流是物质流与资金流畅通的平台。其中物质流的“堵源截流”主要是要查堵毒品的来源,截断毒品的流通渠道,监控毒品犯罪的物质交易环节。这是缉毒执法部门缉毒中常用的手段和方法。实际上另一支流——资金流是否畅通对毒品犯罪的成功起着至关重要的作用,对资金流的“堵源截流”尤为关键,而这方面的侦查与控制相对薄弱。资金流的“堵源”就是追缴贩毒的非法收益的,打击洗钱犯罪活动。因为在金融机构的协助和配合下,清查毒品犯罪的非法收益,没收毒品犯罪分子的一切财产,从经济上彻 In our anti-drug work guideline, “intercepting a source and intercepting a source” is the core of anti-narcotics work. It is also the key point. The object and object of “stopping the source and intercepting a source” are not only the material flow of drugs but also the capital flow of poisonous drugs. Because the drug crime process is composed of material flow, capital flow and information flow, information flow is a material flow and capital flow platform. The material flow of “blocking the source and intercepting the river” is mainly to check the sources of the drugs, cut off the circulation channels of the drugs, and monitor the material transactions of drug crimes. This is a common method and method used in the anti-drug campaign by law enforcement agencies. In fact, whether the flow of the other tributary - cash flow is crucial to the success of drug offenses is particularly crucial to the “stopping the flow of resources and intercepting the sources and intercepting the sources,” and the investigation and control in this area is relatively weak. The “block source” of the capital flow is to recover the illicit profits of drug trafficking and combat the criminal activities of money laundering. Because with the assistance and coordination of financial institutions, the illegal proceeds of drug crimes are investigated and all the property of drug-criminals confiscated. From the point of view of economic success
瑞士国家超级计算中心(CSCS)计划打造欧洲最快的GPU加速科学超级计算机,以改变所有现状。计算中心将利用它以最高的精确度提前预测数天乃至数周内的当地与全国天气。  瑞士国家超级计算中心是欧洲顶级的计算研究机构之一,目前中心正在携手瑞士国家天气服务机构Meteo Swiss,共同打造 “Piz Daint” 系统。这一系统以瑞士阿尔卑斯山中的一个山脉命名。这台Cray XC30超级计算机将利用GP
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湖南医科大学附二院肝病中心杨旭教授等,创用“腹水冷藏分次回输技术”治疗10例顽固性腹水,获得理想疗效。 治疗顽固性腹水目前国内外均无理想方法,是临床一大难题。目前治