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总结北京共青团80多年来的历史经验,面对新世纪带来的机遇和挑战,要全面加强北京团的建设,我们必须坚定不移地以邓小平理论和江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想为指导,牢固树立“建设、服务、创新、发展”的工作理念。建设就是运用唯物辩证法质量互变规律指导和推进工作,强调通过量的积累引发质的变化,倡导经过坚持不懈、扎实苦干的努力迎来惊喜的一跃,达到新的水平和境界。树立建设的理念,就要重视和加强各项基础工作,思想建设、作风建设是共青团开展工作的前提和保障,组织建设、阵地建设、队伍建设是共青团开展工作的基础平台,工作品牌建设、工作机制建设、各项制度建设是共青团开展工作的基础环节,都是建设的重点领域,要遵循建设的规律,注重量的积累,稳扎稳打,循序推进。要把团的工作作为连续、稳定的发展过程,重视长远效果和后续发展,重视继承和完善,尽量避免颠 In summing up the historical experience of the Beijing Communist Youth League over the past 80 years and facing the opportunities and challenges brought about by the new century, we must unswervingly take Deng Xiaoping Theory and Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important thought of “three represents” As a guide, firmly establish the “construction, service, innovation, development ” work philosophy. Construction is to use the materialistic dialectics to guide and promote the work on the law of quality and interdependence, emphasizing the qualitative changes triggered by the accumulation of quantity, and advocating a surprising leap through the hard work of perseverance and hard work to reach new levels and realms. To establish the concept of construction, we must attach importance to and strengthen the basic work, ideological and work style construction is the prerequisite and guarantee for the CYL to carry out its work. Organizational construction, construction of positions and contingent building are the foundation platform for the work of the CYL, the work brand building and work The construction of the mechanism and the construction of various systems are the basic links for the CYL to carry out its work. They are all the key areas for construction. They should follow the laws of construction and pay attention to the accumulation of mass. They should work steadily and steadily and push forward in a planned manner. It is necessary to regard the work of the League as a continuous and steady development process, attach importance to the long-term results and follow-up development, attach importance to inheritance and improvement, and try to avoid it.
【摘 要】良好的道德观念和品质是合格的青年一代的重要标志。21世纪的成功取决于青年一代良好的文化知识和道德准则。当前,我国社会正进入全面转型期,多元化道德取向的迷雾更是把人们引入了一种暂时的心灵失序与迷惘境地,而这一变化也在深刻地影响着年轻的一代。當我们把目光聚集在当代青少年身上时,却令人遗憾的发现,他们的道德状况堪忧。严峻的现实警示我们,对初中生良好道德行为规范的教育,已成为现代德育中日益突出又
【摘 要】孔子关于做人的思想及其价值观:做人要正直磊落仁不是先天就有的,而是后天“修身”“克己”的结果;做人要重视修养的全面发展诚信守正。语文教学中儒家道德思想熏陶的途径:以自身高尚的职业道德去影响学生;以儒家经典中的语言话语引導学生;汲取其中的学习方法的精华,为我所用;以课堂为主阵地,使其成为学科知识传递的殿堂,更是人性养育的圣殿。  【关键词】中学语文   儒家道德   职业道德   渗透  
【摘 要】本文通过对电影的选材,以及在实践中的操作使用,讨论如何在教学中适当运用电影或美剧、英剧等视频材料丰富教学内容,培养学生的学习兴趣,从而锻炼学生英语听、说、读、写综合的应用能力。  【关键词】电影   英语教学   选材  【Abstract】The essay discussed about how to choose the right video materials and prop