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清初康熙皇帝的宠臣宋荦,与曹雪芹祖父曹寅、李煦等有着不同寻常的私人友谊。宋荦时任江苏巡抚时,曹寅正任江宁织造,其妻兄李煦时任苏州织造,三人同地为官,又与朝廷关系极为密切,诸多史料亦记载三人之间较为融洽的情谊。如曹寅《楝亭集》中的《萁治亭后竹径和牧仲中丞韵》《宋牧仲中丞见招深静轩旧为官厨中丞新辟以款客奉和二韵》《商丘宋尚书寓近书院往来甚适漫志三首且订平山之游》等篇,足见他们之间的友谊笃厚。此外,宋荦和曹寅还经常被康熙皇帝授命整 In the early Qing Dynasty, emperor Song Xi, a petty minister, had an unusual personal friendship with Cao Xueqin’s grandfather Cao Yin and Li Xu. When he was Governor of Jiangsu Province, Cao Yin was appointed as a knitter of Jiangning. His wife and brother, Li Xu, were woven into Suzhou at the same time. They were all officials in the same land and closely related to the court. Many historical materials also recorded the relatively harmonious friendship among the three. Such as Cao Yin “nectarine Pavilion set” in the “governance Zhiting after the bamboo diameter and animal husbandry Zhong Cheng Yun” “Song Muzhong Zhong Cheng Zhao deep Shenxuan old official chef Zhongcheng new section to serve and serve two rhyme” Shangqiu Song Shangshu close to the Institute of communication between the comic book and Pingdingshan three articles, shows the friendship between them benevolent. In addition, Song Yong and Cao Yin are also often ordered by Emperor Kangxi
一 引言 在外海修筑架空式建筑物时,波浪力常常是重要的外荷载之一,为合理地进行结构设计,需要妥善地定出其所受的波浪力。关于作用在圆形桩、柱上的波浪力问题,国内外已进
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一、引言 从六个年代以来,气象学家对海气关系进行了广泛深入地研究,认为海洋是使长期天气过程发生异常的主要能源之一。 近几年,有人对西北太平洋加热效应作了研究后指出,
Dongchuan type strata-bound copper deposit includes the stratiform copper deposits and the veined copper deposits in the Kunyang Group.Stratiform copper deposi